SEO Writing

Going Freelance can be a very lucrative job, but starting from scratch can prove tough. So here's a basic primer for you, Freelancer!

What you are going to learn in this site are the following:

  • Proper Article Writing 
  • Appropriate Keyword Usage 
  • Utilizing LSI 

Writing an article has been one of the most demanding work for a freelance. It necessitates one to do loads of researches and hours of digging out ideas from one's head. But this task can be rewarding in itself. It lets one improve his writing abilities and allows him to learn different topics. When writing an article, one needs to follow the following steps:

  • Get the topic
  • Get the keyword
  • Get the LSI

Getting the topic: This is the subject of your articles. Basically, the client would give you one topic and ask you to write 3 articles about it. For example, your client ask you to write three 400-word articles for the topic Cold Sores. So you're going to write something about Cold sores.

Getting the keyword: Once you have the topic, you need to ask your client on what keyword should the article revolves. Most of the time, the keyword/s would be the same with your topic, say the keyword is "cold sores" for the topic cold sores. So you seem ready to go for your first article-writing attempt. But not just yet.

Getting the LSI: After you have the keyword, you need to get the Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI. LSI is part of Google's Algorithm changes long ago, which is designed to gauge the relevancy of a certain content. Oops, there's blood coming from your nose! In getting the LSI, you need to open, and enter your keyword. See below picture.

As you can see (below), the red arrow is pointing to your keyword phrase, while the blue one is pointing to you LSI. Copy this LSI--you can copy up six--and sprinkle them all over your article. It's okay to mention the LSI once, but you can still use them twice or so if necessary.

Once you have the keyword/s and LSI, start writing and make sure to write your keyword 2-2.5% of the total word count of your article. So if you are asked to write a 400 word article, you can write your keyword 8 times. Make sure that you don't mention your keyword more than the above percentage, as this results to Google seeing your site as SPAMMY!

With the above things in mind, you should be okay with your article writing job. Let me know if you have more questions regarding this area. I'll be more than willing to extend my hand to a fellow freelancer. Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. There are many comapnies providing SEO writing services are now flexible to offer work from home jobs for content writing etc. So you can apply over there if you are looking for some freelance or work from home jobs.
